Clare Southall

Clare Southall
I have been a member of the Sadler Heath community pretty much since the beginning and to this day find it a warm and stimulating learning environment.  I love the fact that I never feel obliged to attend and am always made welcome when I do! I became a moderator for the community a number of years ago and feel very connected to the team that have that role. We hold the values of Sadler Heath close to our hearts and are always keen to innovate where we can.
I am an Organisational Change Consultant, Coach and Facilitator, and having worked with the  wonderful, talented team at Relume for exactly ten years I have taken the plunge this Spring into independence, setting up my own business, Entheos Consulting Ltd to carry on my work.
I also have the intention of setting up my own micro bakery as I love bread and hope to be teaching others to make it some time in the future, both as a community/social action initiative, and with leaders and teams.